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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Check Out the Poll Question

A new poll question has been posted regarding the Meadowlands.  If the Meadowlands was to close, what would happen with your gambling?  If you choose to bet (or bet more) on your home track, feel free to let me know what is your home track.  Would you choose another harness track to wager on to replace the Meadowlands, feel free to let me know which track it would be and why?

Let me state here, I have no idea what will happen with the Meadowlands.  My personal guess (and hope) is it will survive, but I am curious in a worse case scenario, what would happen?  Would it be as bad as everyone says it will be or are industry people overreacting?

Of course, this is not a scientific poll, but please vote only once.

In other news, by now you know that the handle at the Meadowlands is still down significantly from last year.  Some people are hoping for a purse increase when the Meadowlands reopens in May.  People should be happy if there is no purse cut.

1 comment:

The_Knight_Sky said...

The Big M is my home track. I am beginning to get interested in the Dover Downs signal as it fits my leisure hours nicely.

But all my preparation would be moot if by some chance the Big M were to close down simulcasting and live racing.

A statewide shutdown in NJ would have enormous repercussions on both breeds of racing nationally.
A far more deleterious effect that when NYC OTB shuttered.

A complete shutdown, however temporary, should be avoided at all costs as it will only deepen the wounds in NJ. We have to continue to stick together and keep the wrecking ball away from the pro-casino people.