Can it be that Myo-Inositol TrisPyroPhosphate, more commonly known as ITTP, which is thought to be widely abused in horse racing (not just harness racing) day's are numbered? As reported in The.Horse.Com, the University of Kentucky has been able to synthesize the drug and create a certified reference standard which is needed to proof the presence of the drug in blood samples. With a standard developed, the appropriate testing protocols may now be developed.
I would be surprised once testing begins on race samples if a wide-spate of positives show up as either the use of ITTP will have been greatly exaggerated, or those drug cheats will have moved on to the next wonder drug. What will be interesting to see is if horses start slowing up and the number of records which seemingly have been falling with regularity start standing up.
Roll With Joe heading to the breeding shed after this year, despite the Gural plan to keep horses sired by four year olds out of stake races at the Meadowlands, Tioga Downs, and Vernon Downs. Lead owner Tom Grossman claims he has no choice as RWJ had injured an ankle and while he has been racing, it is still a problem and Grossman's fear is if he races next year, the horse may not have a stud career. We know there will exemptions due to injuries, but for sake of clarity, that standard for an exemption needs to be determined sooner, not later. It is this person's opinion that having exemptions will allow phantom injuries to develop; the best way to handle it is to have four year olds not racing due to injuring themselves at three sit the year out in the field and not stand stud at four.
With the latest episode of the Farldo-Gural feud, one must question where is the leadership of the other horsemen's associations in the state? Last I heard is the SOA of NY represents horsemen at Yonkers Raceway and not the other tracks in the state but the other's are conspicuously silent on these issues. I understand the SOA of NY, representing the horsemen at the largest track in New York state wield the most power, but the other race tracks in New York are not racing for Freehold sized purses either. The leadership of these horsemen associations represent the horsemen at their tracks and by remaining silent, they are allowing the SOA of NY to speak for all horsemen in the state and are abdicating their responsibility to their membership. If they are unwilling or unable to speak for their memberships, their leaders should step down.
Do you have any read on the Brian Callahan situation in Delaware?
More than most, I think this situation bears scrutiny—my impression is that the monies in question are slot money. With this, I believe there is a quantum leap that may happen that goes beyond the realm of racing authorities and lands into the dominion of state and federal attorneys general.
First, one never wants to be the guy upon whom an AG thinks he can build a reputation.
Second, the slot money may very well be the proverbial email carrying the virus into one’s computer; that is, slot money brings in the state/federal folks. The slot money, together with the cry and hue re: PED’s, beards, etc., probably makes their interest justifiable.
The cognoscente of the sport needs to address these issues before it gets addressed for them.
Yes, it was originally from slots but for our purposes it was purse money; expect no state or federal intervention.
It would pappear Brian Callahan was racing the horses with hidden ownership so the horses could race in Delaware owned races. As a resi;t the horses earned over $190K. The commission found out about it and ordered Callahan to refun the money, plus handed him a 2 year suspension.
As for ITTP use, or helping to end it's use. Alert horseman and store frozen samples that will be tested when the test is developed. And have severe suspensions/fines imposed. This is being done in Australia.
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