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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Tone Deaf about Whipping

Long time readers of this blog know my position on whipping; it is a problem which threatens the sustainability of this sport.  Whether banning or reducing the amount of whipping and enforcing the rules, something must happen before the animal rights people go on the attack.

I understand there are readers who disagree with me and others on this position.  The difference of opinions can be debated and hopefully an industry-wide compromise can be worked out but regardless of how you feel about whipping, most people realize it is a sensitive issue.  Highlighting heavy whipping is just plain stupid.

But then there are those who must be tone deaf or are merely going through the motions when it comes to promoting the sport.  Below is a video from 2012 which up to now is reachable from the 'Live Racing' page of Northville Downs' website ('Exclusive You Tube Videos').

We'll disregard who the driver in the video is, but to keep this video up (regardless of how old it is) doesn't serve the industry well.  It suggests an attitude of 'Who cares?

A webcam video of a driver in a race is a good idea.  One showing this type of whipping is a bad idea.  May I suggest losing this video and replacing it with one or a driver who is not as heavy-handed using the whip?


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